23rd. Therapeutic Endoscopy Course of Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP

Course Director: Prof. Dr. Paulo Sakai

Organizing Commitee:

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux de Moura

Dra. Jeane Martins

Dr. Edson Ide

Prof. Dr. Everson Luis de Almeida Artifon

8th. Latin American Course of Endoscopic Capsule and Enteroscopy

President: Prof. Dra. Adriana Vaz Safatle-Ribeiro (Brazil) / Vice President: Dr. José Inácio San Severino

Organizing Commitee:

Dra. Maria Tereza Galiano (Colombia)

Dra. Carla Diaz (Venezuela)

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux de Moura (Brazil)

Location: Centro de Convenções Rebouças


26.07.2014 - Saturday

08h15 – Opening of 8th. Latin American Course of Endoscopic Capsule and Enteroscopy

Prof. Dr. Ivan Cecconello / Prof. Dra. Adriana Vaz Saflate Ribeiro  / Prof. Dr. Paulo Sakai

08h30 – 10h30

What are the advances in small bowell evaluation techniques? Moderators: Safatle-Ribeiro A (Brazil); Waldbaum C (Argentina); San Severini JI (Brazil)

08h30 – 08h40 Endoscopic Capsule Spada C (Italy)

08h45 – 08h55 Balloon assisted enteroscopy Landaeta J  (Venezuela)

09h00 – 09h10 Spiral enteroscopy with and without overtube: where are we? Akerman P (EUA)

09h15 – 09h30 Debate

09h30 – 10h20 Videos Edited

10h30 – 11h Interval

11h – 12h30 Crohn Disease: from diagnostic to therapy. Moderators: Yamamoto H (Japan); Spada C (Italy)

11h00 – 11h10 When use MRI enterography? Angela Caiado (Brazil)

11h15 – 11h25 What is the Endoscopic Capsule contribution? Galiano T (Colombia)

11h30 – 11h40 Enteroscopy possibles therapies Okolo P (USA)

11h45 – 12h00 Debate

12h00 – 12h30 Vídeos Edited

12h30 – 13h30 Lunch

13h30 – 15h30 Symposium: Polypoids Syndromes and small bowel tumors. Moderators: Moura EGH (Brasil); Diaz C (Venezuela); Okolo P (EUA)

        13h30 – 13h45 How perform endoscopic follow up of small bowel in polyposis? Yamamoto H (Japan)

13h45 – 14h00 Subepithelial lesions: whats the impact of negative capsule examination? Waldbaum C (Argentina)

14h00 – 14h15 Colon capsule in small bowel lesions diagnostic. Spada C (Italy)

14h15 – 14h35 Debate

14h35 – 15h15 Videos Edited

15h15 – 15h30 Debate

15h30 – 16h00 Interval

16h00 – 17h30 Miscellaneous: Moderators: San Severino (Brazil); Sakai P (Brazil); Landaeta J (Venezuela)

16h00 – 16h15 Hypertensive enteropathy: diagnostic impact? Okolo P (EUA)

16h15 – 16h30 Celiac disease: capsule or enteroscopy? Valencia-Blancas JM (México)

16h30 – 16h45 NSAID ulcers: differential diagnosis Akerman P (EUA)

16h45 – 17h00 Debate

17h00 – 17h30 “ State of the art “: Complications of enteroscopy methods: how avoid?

President: Safatle-Ribeiro A (Brazil)

Faculty: Yamamoto H (Japan)

27.07.2014 - Sunday

8h15 Opening: 23rd. Therapeutic Endoscopy Course of Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP

Prof. Dr. Paulo Sakai

Prof. Dr. Ivan Cecconello

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux de Moura

08h30 Symposium: Obscure GI bleeding: best alternatives: capsule, enteroscopy, angiography or scynthigraphy? 

Moderators: Safatle-Ribeiro A (Brazil); Akerman P (EUA) ; Sakai P(Brazil)

08h30 – 08h40 In anemia. Spada C (Italy)

08h40 – 08h50 In overt bleeding. Okolo P (EUA)

08h50 – 09h00 In massive bleeding. Carnevalle (Brazil)

09h00 – 09h30 Discussion

09h30 Symposium: Advances in GI Bleeding

Moderators: Sakai P(Brazil); Waxman I (EUA); Waldbaum C (Argentina)

        09h30 – 09h40 Pre-Endoscopy Preparation and Anticoagulant Management. Blancas-Valencia JM (Mexico)

09h40 – 09h50 Managing haemorrhagic emergencies in the era of capsule endoscopy. Safatle-Ribeiro AV (Brazil)

09h50 – 10h00 Recent Advances in Endoscopic Hemostasis: Clips, Claws and Spray. Akerman P (EUA)

10h00 – 10h30 Discussion

10h30 – 10h50 – Coffee Break

10h50 Symposium: Advances in the management of esophageal and gastric disease

Moderators: Sakai P (Brazil); Chaves DM (Brazil); Okolo P (EUA)

        10h50 – 11h00 Present and future status of flexible spectral imaging color enhancement and blue laser imaging technology. Yamamoto H (Japan)

        11h00 – 11h10 Is endoscopic ultrasound necessary in the pre-therapeutic assessment of Barrett´s esophagus with early neoplasia ? Waxman I (EUA)

        11h10 – 11h20 Endoscopic submucosal dissection – current success and future directions. Yahagi N (Japan)

11h20 – 11h50 Discussion

11h50 Symposium: Management of the stricture in the digestive tract.

Moderators: Sakai P (Brazil); Moura EGH (Brazil); Blancas-Valencia JM (Mexico)

        11h50 – 12h00 Benign esophageal strictures: Inject, Cut, Dilate, or Stent? Chuttani R (EUA)

12h00 – 12h10 When and how recommend palliative therapy in tumors with enteroscopy? Okolo P (EUA)

        12h10 – 12h20 New methods In hilar stricture management. Waxman I (EUA)

        12h20 – 12h50 Discussion

13h00 – 14h00 Lunch

14h00 Symposium: ERCP

Moderators: Moura EGH (Brazil); Sakai P (Brazil); Waxman I (EUA)

14h00 – 14h10 Difficult cannulation of the papilla: evidence based recommendations. Dr. Artifon ELA (Brazil)

14h10 – 14h20 Biliary access in altered anatomy. Okolo P (EUA)

14h20 – 14h30 SpyGlass cholangioscopy for management of difficult bile duct stones. Chuttani R (EUA)

        14h30 – 15h00 Discussion

15h00 – 15h 30 Controversies in Enteroscopy. 

Moderators: Kuga R (Brazil); Spada C (Italy); Landaeta J (Venezuela)

15h00 – 15h10 Is double-balloon enteroscopy superior to spiral enteroscopy? Yamamoto H(Japan)

15h10 – 15h20 Spiral enteroscopy versus double-balloon enteroscopy: choosing the right tool for the job. Akerman P (EUA)

15h20 – 15h30 Discussion

15h20 Symposium: Detection and treatment of neoplastic lesions of colon and rectum

Moderators: Sakai P (Brazil); Miyajima N (Brazil); Dias C (Venezuela)

15h20 – 15h30 Role of colon capsule (Pillcam 2) in neoplastic lesion detection. Spada C (Italy)

15h30 – 15h40 A comparison of conventional endoscopy, chromoendoscopy, and the optimal-band imaging system for the differentiation of neoplastic and non-neoplastic colonic polyps. Yahagi N (Japan)

15h40 – 15h50 Which technique of endoscopic submucosal dissection should be applied in colorectal lesions: water-jet or knifes? Landaeta J (Venezuela)

15h50 0 16h10 Discussion

16h10 – 16h30 Coffee Break

16h30 Symposium: Enteral access

Moderators: Sakai P(Brazil); Maluf FM (Brazil); Okolo P (EUA)

        16h30 - 16h40 PEGJ vs DPEJ vs IR: Who, when, how or just refer. Blancas-Valencia JM (Mexico)

        16h40 – 16h50 Direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy using double-balloon endoscopy and magnetic anchors. Yamamoto H (Japan)

        16h50 – 17h00 Novel endoscopic triangulation approach to percutaneous transgastric placement of jejunal extension feeding tube. Waxman I(EUA) 

        17h00 – 17h15 Discussion

17h15 – 17h30 State of the art:  Bariatric Endoscopy – Balloon, Sheath, or Suture?

Chairman: Moura EGH (Brazil)

Faculty: Chuttani R (EUA)